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Museo dell'intreccio mediterraneo di Castelsardo

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Decorative motifs

The decorative motifs used in Sardinian basketmaking vary according to the geographic area and the essences used. They are practically non-existent or minimal in artifacts for daily use but always present in objects made for special occasions. In Campidano di Caliari decoration was made by the insertion of small pieces of colored fabric (mainly red); in the Anglona area of Romangia and Nurra colored fibers were used; in Planargia “ribbons” of darker asphodel; in Barbagia the decorations were delicate and included a small darker border.

The plant motifs included blossoms, leaves, branches (often arranged “in garlands”), trees, roses, vines, clovers and shamrocks, wheatears, fruit and grapes. These elements are symbols of good luck and prosperity.

The geometric patterns included solid, straight or broken lines (spirals or "Greek"), squares, rectangles, triangles, circles and semi circles, diamonds and zigzags. The oldest and most common are usually found on the sides of the basket, and served to "banish the evil eye".

Animal designs include birds, swallows, peacocks, lapwings, doves, eagles, deer, horses, dogs, cats and griffons.

The anthropomorphic motifs include single human figures, couples, dancing figures and knights. However these motifs are quite rare and are of recent introduction.

Crafting the decorations

In baskets made of reeds and wheat straw, like those of Campidano, small pieces of colored fabric may be inserted (damask, taffeta ribbons, brocade). The starting point of the basket, the base of the container, may be decorated with a small circle of damask cloth, sewn onto the weft. On the upper edges, as a finishing touch, colored bows may be inserted. The decorations may also be done with reeds colored by boiling them with natural plant dyes (walnut, pomegranate, madder).

A satin lining may cover the interior walls and lids of boxes, small oval corbule and vases.

The ornamental motifs are created using chromatic shades, tone on tone, without the addition of other colored materials.

In baskets made of dwarf palm fiber or raffia, like those of Castelsardo, the color variation is achieved by the varying exposure times of the fibers to the sun or by the process of boiling them in ash and mastic (plant resin).

The decorative motifs are made up of patterns of stylized animal and floral figures.


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