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Museo dell'intreccio mediterraneo di Castelsardo

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GIUNCHETTO (Holoschoenus Australis L. Reichenb) AND GIUNCO ACUTO (Juncus Acutus L.)

Rhizomatous cespitose plant, that is with a modification of the stem which has the main function of storing reserves and which grows in clumps. It is robust and has long stems with sharp rigid tips. It grows on the edge of ponds, lagoons and marshes. The harvesting takes place in late summer and it is used to make various types of baskets, creels and as a roofing material for huts.

GIUNCO (Cyperus Longus L.)

Rhizomatous cespitose plant, that is with a modification of the stem which has the main function of storing reserves and which grows in clumps. It grows in large areas of wetlands, springs and along the banks of streams. The stem of the Giunco is the part best suited to basketmaking. This is carefully worked intact or cut into longitudinal strips, dried and woven into baskets, ropes and cord for use in gardens and vineyards.

GIUNCO COMUNE (Juncus Effusus L.)

Rhizomatous cespitose plant, that is with a modification of the stem which has the main function of storing reserves and which grows in clumps. It grows in damp areas, springs and along road drainage channels. The stems, abundant and thin, are suitable for the realization of sieves or baskets.

GIUNCO MARINO (Juncus Maritimus Lam.)

Rhizomatous cespitose plant, that is with a modification of the stem which has the main function of storing reserves and which grows in clumps. It grows in coastal salty wetlands, with long flexible stems that become rigid and resistant after drying. This renders the Giunco Marino suitable for the making of fishing equipment and creels and as a material for basketmaking.

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