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Museo dell'intreccio mediterraneo di Castelsardo

Main site sections

Showcase 2

No. 58. Corbula (basket), local name colbula. Container for foodstuffs. Woven with fixed stitch technique using a needle with weft of dwarf palm and warp of sea hay.

No. 59. Unit of measure, local name lu mesu. Container for foodstuffs. Woven with fixed stitch technique using a needle with weft of dwarf palm and warp of sea hay.

No. 60. Corbula (basket), local name colbula. Container for foodstuffs. Woven with fixed stitch technique using a needle with weft of dwarf palm and warp of sea hay.

No. 61. Canestro (basket), local name canelstrhu. Container for foodstuffs. Woven with a fixed stitch technique using a needle with weft of dwarf palm and warp of sea hay.


Audioguide Room 1 - Showcase 2
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